Getting Back On the LinkedIn BandWagon…Who’s Joining Me?

Dennis Schiraldi
2 min readOct 28, 2018

I recently stumbled across a great blog post on HubSpot about LinkedIn changing it’s, dare I say, algorithm…

Dennis Schiraldi, Founder of DOYO Live

“The Robin Hood of Algorithms”: Why LinkedIn’s New Feed Could Be a Game Changer for Marketers, read today!

Back in the day, I given the honor of getting early access to being able to publish on LinkedIn.

If you’ve been on LinkedIn, which I have since it’s inception. You probably have noticed the laws of diminishing returns. I say that if you had a thumb wrestling match between engagement on your Facebook Business Page vs. LinkedIn it would end like a soccer match, there are no winners, just ties to celebrate.

Which leads me to the next point…If you digest the HubSpot article you really need to pay attention to anytime a social media platform changes up how you engage with content.

That’s generally when there is a HUGE opportunity. When Facebook announced live video you were either sitting on the sidelines figuring it out or you went all in and got rewarded because it’s new.

If you were doing video on LinkedIn you are winning. And now they (LinkedIn) realize there’s a need to get more engagement on the platform.

In the olden days, if that’s even possible, probably in dog years on social media…I would write an article, it would get hundreds, if not thousands of views, likes, comments. I was the hero of many, you loved me you really loved me. And then my writing must have regressed. And it turned into, “it’s me not you breakup talk.”

With these recent changes to the LinkedIn platform giving mere mortals like me a fighting chance, look out world. I’m ready to conquer the ONE social media platform that all working professionals should have mastered by now.

I’ll be back next week with some practical advice. Like why it’s such a shit head move to invite someone to connect and then try sell them something immediately upon accepting a networking invite.

Furthermore, I’ll try to provide you with some deep thoughts, pearls of wisdom, sarcasm and who knows maybe something some of you can use.


DOYO Live is a digital marketing conference in Youngstown, Ohio that’s dedicated to helping marketing, business, sales and design professionals to achieve rock star status with their marketing. We do this through our online ecosystem (we made that up), in-person workshops, consulting services and annual marketing event.

You want to know what’s going on at DOYO Live…Be sure to check out Allen Gannett’s Keynote from 2018 — A Flash of Creative Genius, watch today!



Dennis Schiraldi

You know those things you've always wanted to them today!